image showing woman smiling in front of art in monochrome and a banner saying A trip to the Library with Donna Holmes

A Trip to the Library

I can hardly believe it but today, it’s official – I am a published writer! In an official printed magazine! An art magazine that people buy for their enjoyment! Not only that but I have a 4-page spread with my ACTUAL words on it, in print, in a magazine that people can hold in their hands, a magazine that they have paid money to read!

I’ve been waiting to see it in print before I said anything because I didn’t believe that it was happening, that the words I wrote, submitted, and had multiple conversations about, actually would go out in print – but they did, they are and they are in a magazine!

It arrived on my doorstep today. I was out having coffee with a wonderful friend, having a lovely catch-up and a laugh. I even talked about the article with her and said I was waiting for the print. I can’t believe it was at home waiting for me all that time! On my return, my husband said “You have post” and from that point on, well I became a little incoherent and more than a little squeaky. To say I was excited was an understatement. But honestly to say that I am proud of ME. I wrote an article, and it’s in print, and people will read it.

So, thank you Art etc Magazine, thank you for taking a chance on me and giving me space to talk, I hope I make you and your readers proud.

And yes I realise this is a pretty lame post but – I’m excited! I did a thing and I’m excited, I did a thing and I’m proud of myself, I did a thing and my husband is proud of me (Yes I know he was anyway but well, this is exciting) !!

Oh and can I just say, that my profile picture – was taken by my amazing photographer husband Rob. He is used to taking images of moving cars on a racetrack, he had to readjust and take an image, of me standing still. Isn’t he clever, give him a look on Instagram too and see for yourself!

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