Showing 128 result(s)

Back to Normal?

Today is the first day of the new term, and our Son returned to school, Daughter returns tomorrow, then we are “Back To Normal” well as normal as we can be with hubby WFH and me starting college on Friday. But well school’s back and that is what denotes normal around here. It’s an important …

A busy day

Today has been a here, there and everywhere kind of day. It’s the last day before kids return to school and hubby returns to work so it was all the last minute things that need to be done. We set the alarms for normal time, that was tough, but we had a coffee and started …

Another day at the beach

We stayed overnight at the chalet, yesterday was a lovely day and we didn’t want to worry about rushing home so we stayed, it’s why we bought the place after all ☺️ We played a new board game with the children, one hubby bought via Kickstarter, it’s pretty good. “Hit the silk” if you are …

Beach day

Today, we ended up having an entirely different day than we expected. Firstly hubby and I slept in late after having a very late Friday night due to an Xbox and a sewing kit. I know right what does that even mean? Well hubby had his Xbox and was playing some fancy spaceahip game that …

Faffing Friday

Faffing Friday

Today is day 3 of the September blog-along, and well its been another reasonably quiet day today. Weather is warm (ish) for September in Britain but its been dull and gloomy again. Of course they are predicting a heatwave for next week – just as kids return to school so that’s about typical for us. …
