Today, we ended up having an entirely different day than we expected.

Firstly hubby and I slept in late after having a very late Friday night due to an Xbox and a sewing kit. I know right what does that even mean? Well hubby had his Xbox and was playing some fancy spaceahip game that seemed to involve lots of waiting around. For me, I chose to do my day 3 blog post, catch up on blogs and then at 11pm decided to do my #sewtember day 3 piece, which meant not going to bed till close to 2am oopsie!?
So after a slow start we all agreed that we would like to go to the beach. So we packed up for an overnight stay at our chalet and we have had a lovely day just relaxing on the beach, chatting playing, making sandcastles and stone pictures. It was so nice after the miserable weather of the last week, finally that golden ball thing appears in the sky and everyone feels warm and smiles.

We are now in the chalet children settling quietly for bed, hubby is watching the F1 qualifier on his phone and I’m working out how to use wordpress on my phone app so I don’t miss day 4 blog. You’ll have to let me know how well it goes! Later I will try to do the day 4 #sewtember piece, if I can stay awake.
Day 3 #sewtember Mangata. Language: Swedish. Meaning: The glimmering, road-like reflection that the moon creates on the water.

I hope you can see my idea, I had to learn how to do the stitches and I got properly frustrated by the gold thread, which at 130am I wasn’t so surprised by.
So, that’s about it for today. I’m happily sitting here listening to the arcade man call his bingo numbers. There is nothing quite like a British seaside arcade.

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It’s raining here and I was already sitting hoping that it clears enough to go walk on the beach tomorrow – due to another lockdown here, I haven’t been for four weeks so your post has me hoping even more. It won’t be as warm and sunny as your beach visit though – roll on summer!
I love/hate the beach. I love the sound of the surf, the smell of the ocean, the looking for shells and stones. But I don’t like how every thing and every part of a person can get sandy. I guess I’m weird that way about the sand ?
ooh how lovely Donna, that first photo looks absolutely beautiful, the colours of the sky, sea and sand. How lovely to get away to your own chalet, glad the weather was good too. Looks like you all had fun Elle xx
It seems like all the best games involve waiting around, or in my partners case, riding a horse, or swimming in a lake. He says when I play the same game, I go around picking fights. 😉 I think your sewtember idea translates beautifully, and it makes me so happy that a word exists for that! Lovely read as always Donna!
Ohhhh you make me long for sand between my toes. <3
so envious of your beach escape … it looks wonderful! enjoy your time!