It was with sadness that I received notification that the magazine I have been writing for has ceased trading. The last published issue has become the final one. You can still access all the articles online but there will be no further issues. It was a wonderful experience, and I hope to carry on writing, …
I’m excited to share a new page on my website. It features my monthly articles for Art Etc. magazine. I am a subscriber long before writing for the magazine. I subscribed and connected with its rich, independent perspective on art and creativity. As a librarian and mixed-media artist, I’ve always been drawn to stories that …
The next exhibition is fast approaching. I am back at The Forum in Norwich with Ian Drummond Art. This time I am also excited to say that my Husband Rob Holmes is participating! He is exhibiting his photographs. He has a mix of motorsport and nature. Also a good friend is exhibiting for the first …
Well, the day is almost here, just one day until the exhibition opens. Nerves are kicking in, excitement is bubbling, and the never-ending list of “To-Do” is… well never-ending. Ultimately I am so looking forward to the weekend; and to exhibiting my work in The Forum which also just happens to be a prime public …
The next exhibition is just around the corner, I am frantically preparing the work for it, this time however it’s a little different. This time, it will be our end-of-course / celebration of achievement exhibition. Art Academy East Level 4 Students are a group of 15 artists, who will be showcasing our projects at the …
I can hardly believe it but today, it’s official – I am a published writer! In an official printed magazine! An art magazine that people buy for their enjoyment! Not only that but I have a 4-page spread with my ACTUAL words on it, in print, in a magazine that people can hold in their …
Well, this is it, after 3 years, today will be the very last day of attending Art Academy East Art College for a dedicated learning experience in Art and Design. I have enjoyed my time here, learnt so much and made some great friends. There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and …
I have been busy gathering works ready for an exhibition taking place in Holt Norfolk from Thursday 30th May to Friday 7th June at Kings Court Care Home, Holt. The exhibition is open to the public between noon and 5pm, entrance is free, refreshments such as tea, coffee, juices and pastries are available in the …
I recently took part in an Art Sale in Norwich. 40+ local artists were involved and all artwork needed to be on sale for lower than previously adverstised. The premise was any art was allowed, framed, unframed, finished, not finished. Anything was allowed. I submitted a full wall and 2 boxes of art, for 4 …
I have spent a few days, updating the website. I have changed some things around making it a lot more focused on the art I am producing and easier to navigate the pages. The art shop is easier to navigate and links out to the Etsy page from each picture. My branding is more standardised …
So it’s been one week since my college exhibition, and I’m not going to lie I am still buzzing from it. The Exhibition went well the room was crowded with visitors, the booths looked amazing and all students were happy with their setups. It was my time to shine, to showcase what producing a body …
I have finished another year of Art College with Art Academy East. Honestly, it is such a fantastic feeling, it’s been a long and significant year of learning, culminating in a final project to create a body of work that is shown to our family and friends as an exhibition. We were asked to investigate …
I will be exhibiting some artwork in an upcoming art exhibition at The Forum Norwich with exhibitor: Ian Drummond Art on 10th & 11th June 2023 9 am – 5 pm The art I shall be having on display is The pieces range in size between 6×8″ and 12×12″ and priced between £40 and £70
Its been an absolute age, but I have updated the Etsy store with paintings for sale. Please head to the store to see the newest acrylic paintings for sale. Shop I hope you see something you like 🙂
I saw on a Facebook group at the start of January, a challenge to make 1 mark a day for every day of 2023. Here is the result for January 23. Do I like it? Nope!! But I’m not sure I am meant to, the point is to create everyday. Have I done that? Nope!!! …
It’s 2023 and it’s starting as a warm one here in Norfolk UK. We rang in the new year as a family, including our daughter’s boyfriend. It was a fun evening of laughter, just dance, Wii sports and alcohol-free bubbly. We look forward to 2023 as a year of being happy, healthy, and full of …
So today is #colourfriday – an initiative started by the fabulous Holly Tucker MBE the original founder of Not on the Highstreet Yesterday I met Holly, in Norwich, where she came to talk with around 100 small businesses from East Anglia, to promote her Colour Friday scheme. This scheme aims to ditch “black Friday” and …
So module 1 is all done and dusted, we were looking at “imaginative landscapes” and that in itself takes on all sorts of connotations, but ultimately we were looking at how to paint a landscape, using a colour palette of our choice from the 4 seasons we had prepared and having composed a drawing from …
Bit of a different post today, but I just have to tell you about this new album I am listening to. First and foremost I absolutely cannot believe that I met this artist on my Level 2 art course last year. M is so amazing at her charcoal animal figures artwork – and then to …
I’m taking the plunge again and exhibiting some of my art again at a local Art Festival. This time however, both I and my Husband are taking part and showing some our own art work, all of which will be for sale. Swaffham Art Festival, has been running annually for the last 25 years, and …
I receive details of my children’s assigned homework via an app, they hate it, but I love it because I get to check they have done their work. Anyway, our son’s new art homework arrived, it goes without saying this is the homework I am most interested in. I am not going to lie, when …
I’ve recently taken a couple of free Facebook challenges that are focused on how to supercharge my Pinterest account. They have been enlightening, interesting and intense! I have been learning to market myself on the platform, and as part of that, I have been spending a lot of time there, and not here or on …
Yes, it’s true, the art exhibition I am taking part in at West Acre Gallery has sold one of my pieces of work. I couldn’t be happier! This artist’s malarky is getting real. I am officially able to say : I am an Artist! DONNA HOLMES, 2022 Yes, there it is, the official Red Dot …
I have some really exciting news to tell you all! I volunteer in the online retail department for a Norfolk based Charity, Priscilla Bacon Hospice. A Norfolk based charity supporting end of life, palliative care to Cancer patients. We have linked with Re-Do Norfolk to take part in a Fashion Show, and I’m super chuffed …
I passed my Art Exam! Not only was it a pass, but I was awarded a Merit. So I am now the proud owner of a Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design from Art Academy East accredited by UAL. Honestly, I really am so very chuffed. It has been a busy year doing the …
Hello, Well I am delighted to say that I have once again been selected to exhibit at West Acre Gallery. The exhibition is 7th – 18th September 2022, in West Acre, Norfolk UK and I am one of 23 artists showing our Art which is available to view and purchase. There will also be a …
Well I can hardly believe I am going to say this, but I have just returned from dropping off 6 items of art that are going to be exhibited for sale this weekend…. Arghhh does this mean I’m getting all fancy and can start calling myself an artist? I saw an advert for a SplashMob …
Well folks that’s it; the college course I have been so engrossed in for the last 9 months is now over! My time is my own again, well OK, mine plus all the millions of courses I have purchased and started but not finished, or purchased and not even started. And then there is my …
Well this post is going to be a little different. Last week we went on holiday. Yes, we left our house and stayed away from it for a whole week. The holiday was actually delayed from last year and was booked as a surprise for my 50th, instead we got to experience it a year …
Today I finally got around to making some ephemera clusters, after seeing them all over Instagram and YouTube. I have to thank the artist MeadowBookJournalling for the shout out on her YouTube video because I had asked what the point was and how to use them and she made me a video! Turns out you …
On the 25th January 2022 I took part in a charity day at my college. The charity event was run by Art Academy East, for the charity Papyrus UK. It was run in honour of a former student of the Academy, Emily Owens who sadly took her own life. Papyrus UK is a charity providing …
Yes I know its already February, but I hadn’t realised how long I’d been away. I’m sorry about that, no real excuses just super busy with my college course, and generally getting through the winter time, I just haven’t felt I have had the time nor energy to do this too. I know this is …
Okay, so I am on an artistic journey, that is pretty obvious to anyone looking at this blog. But I am new to art of all forms, some may say I’m not a beginner anymore, but I really am. I have only been doing “art” for around 2 years, and I haven’t actually “specialised” so …
Here is part one of my blog series detailing my observations from the podcast “Learning to paint”. I discussed the reasons for these pages on the blog page Learning to Paint. Part two Composition and part three Practice are available too. I came to the conclusion I needed to note my observations, especially once I …
This is part two of my series noting my observations from the “learning to paint” podcast. Today I am discussing the merits of composition, and way it is so important to a successful painting. I discussed the reasons for these pages on the blog page Learning to Paint; Part one Colour Theory and three Practice …
In part three of my series noting my observations from the podcast “Learning to paint”. I talk about the importance of practising your art. I discussed the reasons for these pages on the blog page Learning to Paint; part one Colour Theory and part two Composition are also available. As if the picture doesn’t say …
Well after the buzz of creating a blog post every day in September, which rolled into losing my Instagram account and also our son getting Covid at the beginning of October, meaning he was being home-schooled for 10 days, I have had a lot of time NOT arting. So yesterday when everyone left the house …
I have absolutely loved being a part of the blog along hosted by Effy. Its been great to catch up with friends from the previous blog, and make new friends on this one. The last week has slowed my ability to participate, however I shall stay with the group and catch up on as many …
Oh gosh who knew that rebuilding your social media life could be so much hard work! I have completely lost my whole Instagram art account. Nothing I have tried has got me my account back. Instagram are ignoring all and every request for help. They have not made any contact via email at all. I …
I am a day late writing this, I am sorry, it has totally been one of those weeks. Our son is now homeschooling. All our appointments for the next 10 days have been cancelled, and we are able to send him back to school (hopefully!) next Wednesday. Yesterday was all about getting him back on …
And no it is not a good one. It started out OK, everyone up and ready for school/work without a hitch. Kids sent off, we went for our walk. Got home after a good brisk walk to find that the Lateral Flow Test that had been done by our boy as a “you are OK …
I’ts been a family day today, in that we have all been home, and not much has been done. Usual late morning and “big” breakfast. Its been a grey but warm day. Hubby carried on with his workshop make, kids had computer/tv time. And I made a start on a new “Birds Nest”, when I …
Wow I cant believe we are as far as day 25 for the blog-along. I have really enjoyed being a part of this again, and getting to meet new people and catch up on blogs I had let slip. And trying to set myself up with the daily practice of writing. Last night I watched …
I’m writing this on Saturday, I am a day behind, but yesterday was college day, and last night I was exhausted and I had an evening of self indulgent TV watching, catching up on S16 of Greys Anatomy. Yes I know I’m a long way behind, but I kind of gave up TV me time …
What a day, I genuinely took a day off social media. OK not a complete 24 hours, but most of the day. I didn’t use my laptop for anything. Everything I did today was done in the spur of the moment, listening to the radio or a podcast. Artwork, sewing and journal making as well …
So today is officially the first day of Autumn here in the UK. I love Autumn, I love the changing of the season, the changing colours, the hibernation of all that was bright and beautiful of summer (not that we had the best of summers) and the hunkering down heading towards winter, but lets not …
Today has been a nice quiet get things done day, the sun has been shining, the weather a glorious September sunny warm day, once the fog cleared. So what have I achieved…. a lot of “nothing”. We went for our 4 mile walk this morning when the grey mist was heavy and the sun struggling …
Well its definitely been one of those days! The gorgeous weather of yesterday gave way to a morning of horrible rain. We went out for our morning walk and got drenched! Once we were home and sorted out, I settled down for a morning of artwork. Catching up on my Karen Campbell floral acrylics. We …
Oh today is a beautiful Sunday here in the East of England. The sun is shining, the temperature is pleasantly warm and I have been sitting out on the deck all day playing with my latest art subscription box.. The latest box from UK Subscription company Artful has arrived. The box itself is always a …
So I missed another day, and therefore two days in one will be posted here. I’m sorry, it’s just been one of those weeks. Thursday I tweaked my back, and it really messed me up for Thursday and Friday, so I have had to take it easy. Yesterday, day 17 was a college day. It …
So catching up now with a quick post before I head to college! I’m so sorry I missed yesterday, unfortunately I tweaked my back whilst out on our walk in the morning so the whole day was spent keeping myself steady and settled, whilst in pain. Hubby was is lots of meetings so I was …
I went into Norwich City today!! I can’t believe it, I left the house, I went to the City, on my own, for the morning and I loved and hated it in equal measures. I had to go, I had a dentist appointment so I decided to spend some time after the appointment just enjoying …
The day started with light drizzle and the kids wanting to be driven to school, but I’m “horrible” and made them walk, it stopped pretty soon after they left and they would have been fine. Hubby and I went for our 4 mile walk at the same time and there was no rain to speak …
Monday, kids back to school, hubby to work and I have a morning session for Crystal Healing. It’s been lovely and sunny today, it’s obvious it’s September as there is a nice crisp start to the mornings. I love autumn, the changing seasons, the crisp mornings & warm afternoons and the slow turn of the …
I’m gonna be honest today has been rather lazy, I had a rubbish nights sleep and I woke with a stinker of a headache that despite all efforts still hasn’t gone some 12 hours later. I’ve taken appropriate levels of paracetamol but its just not shifting. Anyway enough of that, here’s what I have to …
A lovely weather day here today, it was nice to have the doors and windows open and just potter around the house and garden. We had a lazy start to the day, which included checking on the greenhouse and picking a “few” tomatoes, we may just have to have some everyday for now on! I …
Yes its true, the day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived and I enrolled at art college! I am taking a Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design, it was a long day and I am not going to lie, I am shattered!! I arrived for a 10am start, after making my way through …
What a gorgeous day today has been, the sun has been shining, the birds have been cheeping, and the cat is very much lazing! I have had time today to just sit and play, and as such I have managed to complete a journal, so I have filmed a flip-through. I didn’t add song & …
Oh I know, I shouldn’t say it, but having the house to myself today has been bliss! This isn’t a “I wish they were always out” type of bliss, but the sort of bliss that comes after not having ANY time alone for any significant amount of weeks, months and almost years due to the …
Today is the first day of the new term, and our Son returned to school, Daughter returns tomorrow, then we are “Back To Normal” well as normal as we can be with hubby WFH and me starting college on Friday. But well school’s back and that is what denotes normal around here. It’s an important …
Today has been a here, there and everywhere kind of day. It’s the last day before kids return to school and hubby returns to work so it was all the last minute things that need to be done. We set the alarms for normal time, that was tough, but we had a coffee and started …
We stayed overnight at the chalet, yesterday was a lovely day and we didn’t want to worry about rushing home so we stayed, it’s why we bought the place after all ☺️ We played a new board game with the children, one hubby bought via Kickstarter, it’s pretty good. “Hit the silk” if you are …
Today, we ended up having an entirely different day than we expected. Firstly hubby and I slept in late after having a very late Friday night due to an Xbox and a sewing kit. I know right what does that even mean? Well hubby had his Xbox and was playing some fancy spaceahip game that …
Today is day 3 of the September blog-along, and well its been another reasonably quiet day today. Weather is warm (ish) for September in Britain but its been dull and gloomy again. Of course they are predicting a heatwave for next week – just as kids return to school so that’s about typical for us. …
Today has been another “meh” day, I just in one of those “cant be bothered” slumps, I think its probably the weather causing it – typical British person has to talk about / complain about the weather right 🙂 But Its so grey and gloomy here and its only September! Nothing much to say for …
The lovely Effy Wild has launched another month long blog along, and I’ve decided it would be great to join in again. The challenge is to blog every day in September, and read and comment on at least 3 other blogs in the group. I shall do my best to be chatty, interesting and mildy …
This is just a quick hello, to share some good news with you all. In early July I saw an advertisement for a local art college, Art Academy East in Norwich. I checked out the details, found all the possible options for courses and spent some time talking it through with Hubby. A decision was …
I know I have been so slack again, I have gone a whole month and not given you any updates which means there is going to be loads to say now, I will try to keep it brief. I’m sorry, time has just gotten away from me again this month. Hubby and I keep saying …
Well firstly I have to say sorry for being away so long. It has been super easy to get out of the habit of blogging daily, or even weekly since stopping the April blog along and I have no real excuses. Being busy isn’t really a good excuse, especially when being busy is related to …
So this month I have once again set myself up to do some more art challenges, honestly what am I like, it’s not as if I don’t have enough to do but I just have to add myself to some more too! WorkshopWeek2021 – Art classes hosted by Becca of TheHappyEverCrafter, a free week of …
The question of should I / shouldn’t has been debated for a while. Should I open a shop to sell some of the journals I am turning out instead of just storing them in a box once they are made. Hubby and I have been talking back and forth with the question and the possibilities …
For today’s post I am going to go through an art class I have just taken as part of Wanderlust 2021. The tutor is Shawn Petite, based in the US, she is a longstanding teacher and creator and is a wonderful mixed media artist. The class is in the “poems” section of Wanderlust 2021. I …
So what did I do in May 2021? I made some art almost every day. Sometimes it was just the lettering challenge and sometimes it was journal making, but I did something most days, the times I am not arting I really notice it so that and my HRT are fabulous for my mental health! …
Sorry Not Sorry… But I’ve made another journal, filmed a flipthrough and popped it onto YouTube. This time the inspiration for the journal came from Instagram /YouTube artist Francine of JunkJournalJoy. She showcased an Alice in Wonderland journal that I just fell in love with. The digital pack is designed and available to buy from …
I have another YouTube video out in the wild!! OMG what’s going on with me huh! This second video is another journal, it’s probably has twice the pages of the last one, and so the video is a bit longer. It took me quite a long time to put the journal together, and felt equally …
Subscription box review for Under the Rowan Trees May 2021 Bee Themed box. I was excited to get this box as I knew it was to be Bees’ and they hold a personal significance for me. The box this month has some interesting journalling items in it. Every item is a Bee related piece. There …
It’s been a while so I thought it best to come and say hello! After the month of April blogging every day I felt the need for a bit of a breather, but I do realise I need to keep my hand in and keep the habit of blogging going! After all that’s what it …
For my April 2021 art challenge I chose to test three A5 dot grid notebooks I had previously purchased because they looked amazing and would look fabulous on my shelf. Obviously there comes a time when being on a shelf not being used is just a bit silly, especially when I am busy making and …
The Blog-along – a summary So April has been an interesting month! I participated in Effy’s blog along where we had to blog every day for 30 days, the commitment to the challenge was to read and comment on 3 other blogs. I have really enjoyed the commitment to writing something every day, I have …
Today has been a pretty good if an easily distracted day. I spent a reasonable amount of time making a journal pages from the Lollipopclub Subscription boxes. I had no need to be doing this, I’m just making them, but it’s arting and I enjoyed myself! I’m afraid I don’t have photos as I plan …
Its late, I’m watching TV with hubby and I realise that I have almost missed the day’s blog! Oh No, I cant miss it this late in the month, so I think this will be a quick jotting today – Sorry! Today’s art journal page is a quick drawing in the Archer & Olive notebook …
Today I have had a good day at the art table. I feel like being creative every day really is starting to pay off and I am becoming more able to take an idea and run with it in my own way. Art piece number 1 was from a freebie by Artful Haven. I accept …
I started the day off by making a list of all the things I NEED to achieve today, over and above all the things I normally do on a daily basis. I achieved about 50% of it then decided it was time to Art 🙂 Today’s art journal page has been done in my Mindful …
We had to get up early today, our daughter made plans to go out and see friends, and that meant we all got up for early breakfast, the plan was to have a decent walk, and enjoy the day. But for some reason, we both felt a bit Meh, so the walk suffered, which is …
We had a lazy start to the day, I spent a couple of hours reading and commenting on blogs whilst drinking my coffee in bed. Whilst reading Amy’s blog, I decided I knew what today’s art page would be about, once I could get to the art table. Amy mentioned a prompt list she had …
I’m a bit late writing this today, its been one of those sort of days. I decided to go to Matalan this morning, our Daughter needs some new clothes for school and Matalan is a good place for her. She’s too grown up for kids clothes now so teeny tiny women’s clothes are needed. I’m …
I really am amazed that I have managed to keep this going for 22 days. Its a big ask every day to read and comment on other blogs and to then also write my own, and to have something interesting to say. I do wonder what will happen at the end of the month. Will …
It’s the tail end of day 21, and I have been very much “offline” today. I read and commented on some blogs this morning, but I have been away from all things social media today – very unlike me! My Notebook challenge today, was done in my Scribble & Dot notebook and used Sharpies to …
Today I decided to go supermarket shopping, and thanks to Cheryl post yesterday I decided to go to one of the out of town stores, and it just so happened to be right beside The Range. I have missed the arts and crafts stores, so I was at Sainsbury’s for 8am, at the Range for …
So I keep thinking about getting involved in digital art, its easy isn’t it, you just draw shapes on a screen and hey presto there is an image!. Well..that’s what I thought, but the reality is a bit different. I bought Affinity Designer for the windows laptop. I don’t have a drawing tablet, so its …
Its been lovely here today in the East of England. Hubby and I went out for a nice walk we completed another 5.5 miles for our monthly target. It was warm and sunny with a gentle April breeze. We saw some deer, a heron and a baby duckling that was clearly lost but we named …
Day 17 already! I am pretty amazed that I am still here to be honest, this is not my normal sort of challenge and it’s most definitely out of my comfort zone, I really did think I would have failed by now. But I’ve found I am enjoying it and I am enjoying reading so …
Just a quick hello this morning to say Hi. Guess what – we have PLANS for today!!! Hubby has the day off work, so we have shipped the children off out the door to school, and we are going OUT….. IN THE CAR… Together…. Somewhere OTHER THAN the village for a walk… Oh my golly …
Today started well, despite a rubbish nights sleep (no idea what was wrong but don’t you just love the peri-menopausal leg twitch and wide awake-ness when you just want to be asleep!) Anyway despite not being awake, I managed to tease the daughter enough to get a FacePalm and eyeroll and the announcement that I …
Oh I am so excited!!!! Today is the day that I get to visit my Crystal Healer for the first time in a year. We have remained able to do sessions remotely and its been wonderful, but today, as the UK has opened its doors this week, I’m going to the Healing Hut!!!! I absolutely …
Its been a bit of a tech day today! We have some concerns over the way the page is broadcasting to email and social media, so this has meant we have spent a lot of time trying to understand what WordPress and our Website Host configure for each other and therefore where there may be …
Its a nice bright start to the day here in our part of the East of England, The sun is shining although its cold out there, the kids have gone back to school, and today is the day that our 3rd lock down in the UK is easing and a good number of our shops, …
Today started off well but quickly descended into a “why isn’t that working” as the auto generated emails from the website have stopped including the pictures! After an hour of messing about we decided we had had enough and would leave it for today. So onward with the day, and I design today’s challenge page, …
Day 10, and I am so happy to say that without really trying I have actually completed a 100 day project. I didn’t follow a particular theme or thread, just “I will do something every day for 100 days, and hopefully will post it to Instagram” so what did I do? #journallingjanuary was hosted by …