Showing 54 result(s)

Day 16, Quick Hello

Just a quick hello this morning to say Hi. Guess what – we have PLANS for today!!! Hubby has the day off work, so we have shipped the children off out the door to school, and we are going OUT….. IN THE CAR… Together…. Somewhere OTHER THAN the village for a walk… Oh my golly …

April 15th journal page

Day 15 – Sleep deprived crazy

Today started well, despite a rubbish nights sleep (no idea what was wrong but don’t you just love the peri-menopausal leg twitch and wide awake-ness when you just want to be asleep!) Anyway despite not being awake, I managed to tease the daughter enough to get a FacePalm and eyeroll and the announcement that I …

Mindful Giraffe April 14th

Day 14, I’m going out today!!

Oh I am so excited!!!! Today is the day that I get to visit my Crystal Healer for the first time in a year. We have remained able to do sessions remotely and its been wonderful, but today, as the UK has opened its doors this week, I’m going to the Healing Hut!!!! I absolutely …

Winter Secrets Lead to April Delights

Day 13, Tech Day

Its been a bit of a tech day today! We have some concerns over the way the page is broadcasting to email and social media, so this has meant we have spent a lot of time trying to understand what WordPress and our Website Host configure for each other and therefore where there may be …

April 12th Mindfull Giraffe and Alcohol Markers

Day 12, Today is a good day

Its a nice bright start to the day here in our part of the East of England, The sun is shining although its cold out there, the kids have gone back to school, and today is the day that our 3rd lock down in the UK is easing and a good number of our shops, …