Showing 36 result(s)

Kelpie Man….

Today has been a nice quiet get things done day, the sun has been shining, the weather a glorious September sunny warm day, once the fog cleared. So what have I achieved…. a lot of “nothing”. We went for our 4 mile walk this morning when the grey mist was heavy and the sun struggling …


Well its definitely been one of those days! The gorgeous weather of yesterday gave way to a morning of horrible rain. We went out for our morning walk and got drenched! Once we were home and sorted out, I settled down for a morning of artwork. Catching up on my Karen Campbell floral acrylics. We …

Good news thread

This is just a quick hello, to share some good news with you all. In early July I saw an advertisement for a local art college, Art Academy East in Norwich. I checked out the details, found all the possible options for courses and spent some time talking it through with Hubby. A decision was …

July 2021 Art Journey

I know I have been so slack again, I have gone a whole month and not given you any updates which means there is going to be loads to say now, I will try to keep it brief.  I’m sorry, time has just gotten away from me again this month.  Hubby and I keep saying …


June Roundup

Well firstly I have to say sorry for being away so long. It has been super easy to get out of the habit of blogging daily, or even weekly since stopping the April blog along and I have no real excuses. Being busy isn’t really a good excuse, especially when being busy is related to …