Showing 96 result(s)
assorted map pieces

The course is over, the journey begins

Well folks that’s it; the college course I have been so engrossed in for the last 9 months is now over!  My time is my own again, well OK, mine plus all the millions of courses I have purchased and started but not finished, or purchased and not even started.  And then there is my …

Relaxation and reconnection

Well this post is going to be a little different. Last week we went on holiday. Yes, we left our house and stayed away from it for a whole week. The holiday was actually delayed from last year and was booked as a surprise for my 50th, instead we got to experience it a year …


Ephemera Clusters

Today I finally got around to making some ephemera clusters, after seeing them all over Instagram and YouTube. I have to thank the artist MeadowBookJournalling for the shout out on her YouTube video because I had asked what the point was and how to use them and she made me a video! Turns out you …

#artforlife Charity Day

On the 25th January 2022 I took part in a charity day at my college. The charity event was run by Art Academy East, for the charity Papyrus UK. It was run in honour of a former student of the Academy, Emily Owens who sadly took her own life. Papyrus UK is a charity providing …

Hello 2022

Yes I know its already February, but I hadn’t realised how long I’d been away. I’m sorry about that, no real excuses just super busy with my college course, and generally getting through the winter time, I just haven’t felt I have had the time nor energy to do this too. I know this is …