Day 10, and I am so happy to say that without really trying I have actually completed a 100 day project. I didn’t follow a particular theme or thread, just “I will do something every day for 100 days, and hopefully will post it to Instagram” so what did I do?
#journallingjanuary was hosted by Under The Rowan Trees and was to encourage us to write in a journal daily. I am not a journaller and this was tough so I kept it small and brief, but I achieved 31 days of writing something!
#lettersinmystyle was hosted by @ACornishGeekLetters on Instagram, for this we wrote phrases, in our own lettering style, Emma gave us the daily prompt and the community produced their own pages. I really enjoyed getting to grips with faux calligraphy again, and enjoyed the 28 days.
#artisticspringtime was hosted by me, @donnas_Creative_space on Instagram. I created a challenge to write an artist and song title, each one was (fairly) linked to spring time. Each day was done in faux calligraphy again and I wrote it in my homemade journal. I posted the challenge onto Instagram, posted my pictures daily and generated a hashtag, however it was only picked up by one person. That person doodled something each day and produced a great sheet at the end, 31 days completed.
#30dayjournaltest – I have created another challenge for myself, I have decided to actually break the page of 3 journals I have bought but didn’t want to use (They are super pretty and really didn’t want to be anything more than shelf decoration so it’s tough!). My challenge is to complete one page a day, in one journal, and use the same medium across 3 days for the month of April. 30 days, 10 medium, 3 journals. This will then let me have good material to do a full and proper product review on these journals. They are 3 different company journals at 3 different prices. It will be interesting to see what happens – its been interesting so far! (10 days completed so far).
Today’s Journal test is with the Archer & Olive A5 notebook and Spectrum Noir alcohol markers. I was actually pleasantly surprised by this, Yes I know I’ve just doodled but the page hasn’t failed at all. I remembered to leave a blank page either side to allow for bleed through, and it did, I also remembered to put spare paper underneath to catch the extra bleed. At 9 pm at night I think that’s pretty impressive of me.

#blogalongwitheffy where I am blogging daily uploading my page to a Effys facebook group, and commenting on at least 3 other peoples blogs. There are SO many fantastic blogs I am being introduced too! I am definitely reading abd commenting on most pages posted, I have signed up to so many to follow on so many platforms! (Same 10 days so far)
#lettersinmystyle April challenge, another challenge set by Emma at @acornishgeekletters varying things for the month I plan to dip in and out of, faux calligraphy with themes, this week is BAFTA film quotes. (I may actually have done all 10 pieces so far!)
In addition to the above, I have also made other art in many other varying forms. Check my Instagram feed for a show and tell, it probably doesn’t show it all, but its a good roundup! I am a member of Wanderlust2021, Lifebook2021, I have Lifebook2020 and BookofDays2020 to complete, I am Journal Making from Willa, as well as the ArtBundle purchased for me in January, I have an ongoing subscription to Awesome Art School and The watercolour Academy, I also purchase varying subscription boxes from Kia Creates, ScrawlrBox and Under The Rowan Trees as well as also purchasing the odd new one from other locations!
We have also finished watching Firefly and SnowPiercer this month, so need recommendations of more to watch. Something that is OK for the kids would be good!!
I am SO lucky that I have such a supportive and encouraging husband. We have been 24/7 together for the last year due to the pandemic, and whilst the children were homeschooling I struggled with my day-to-day a lot, and my amazing husband recognised that I needed time to craft. He allowed me the time, space and facility to just BE ME. He isn’t surprised I have completed 100 days, I have in truth been doing art daily for quite a bit longer, but we all recognise that I need this. And you know what – I’m actually getting better at it, I’m feeling more confident in my ability, even if I don’t yet feel “creative”.
I thank the art community for inspiring me daily, but I thank my husband from the bottom of my very soul for being My Man and for allowing me to be His Woman.
Whoop Whoop onto the next 100 days!

All opinions expressed here are my own.
I paid for any products discussed.
I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.
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Wow! Look at you go!!
Well done on all these achievements!!
How on earth do you remember and do all your challenges???
I have no idea! I keep the journals in one place whilst working on them, other than that it’s luck!?
Wow, congrats on the 100 days – the best I have gotten to is around 42 days or so…. I am super committed for the first 10-12 days and then it all seems to feel like a chore, LOL, not sure I’ll make the 30 days of Blogalong, but will try. I am loving the variety of blogs along the way too!
I think that’s why I didn’t want to announce I was doing it, too much pressure on myself. I’m amazed tbh that I’ve done it?
This is so cool! Congratulations! I love that it wasn’t hard for you and that you enjoyed it!
Congrats on all your challenges and the 100 days! That’s also an impressive collection of online classes lol, I have quite a few of those too, so I’m thinking not going be bored anytime soon lol Elle
Oh wow! Congratulations! You’ve done really well!