Today started off well but quickly descended into a “why isn’t that working” as the auto generated emails from the website have stopped including the pictures! After an hour of messing about we decided we had had enough and would leave it for today.
So onward with the day, and I design today’s challenge page, feeling really pleased with myself I was about to take my photo for uploading to Instagram when I realised I had done the wrong day on the page. Darn I shall have to do another one, and I’ve messed up my order of books. Oh well onward and upwards, do a new drawing and upload. The page doodles are inspired by Johanna Basford, I really enjoy her colouring books and I have the her “How to draw” book.

As its Sunday, and the day before kids go back to school, we decide to have some family time and watch a movie, queue time to introduce the kids to a classic – The Truman Show – they actually enjoyed it, I had forgotten how good it is.
After this, I get to play in the Craft room, for some reason I decided to sew a new pencil roll. I’m about 75% way through. It would have been finished except whilst cooking tea I installed the Canva app on my phone (I’d heard a lot about it on various arting forums) and started playing with making a logo, which led on to playing in Affinity Publisher and actually designing something we like. You may have noticed the new logo at the top of the page? Well I spent around an hour making the logo and my poor IT manager Husband spent a good sight longer getting it to work on the page in a way we liked. He is SO clever!
New mail received this week:
The first is a new subscription box of goodies. I ordered a back box of journal Ephemera from LollipopClubBox there is SO much stuff in here, its good quality papers, stickers and bits and pieces. There is even a Zine to give ideas of how to use it! Really good value.

The next is from Ohh Deer. I ordered a mystery box, and it contains a lot of really good fun things. I really don’t need to order another one any time soon! Again so much stuff to play with, and to potentially offload to the children…

All this means I am writing this page at 9 pm again! I do still need to read everyone’s (I mean 3) blogs, hopefully I will get to do this soon.
See you tomorrow!

All opinions expressed here are my own.
I paid for any products discussed.
I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.
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Well done on the header! And those boxes! Wow that’s a lot of goodies!
Thank you! Hubby worked really hard on getting it to work, I must admit I enjoyed making the design. Now I need to find a Stamp maker to make it for me 🙂
Goodie Boxes!!! What a lovely treat!
OMDOODNESS I love goodie boxes!!! 😀
Oh I like the new banner, it’s gorgeous, I can totally relate to technology taking a bit of work ❤️