Today started nicely, waking up and saying morning to hubby, realising I had overslept, but that’s OK its a bank holiday and we can relax for the last day before he goes back to working from home tomorrow. Off he goes to make the coffee and pretty soon the unexpected chaos of the morning begins! Hubby calls for help. Apparently we have a “visitor” courtesy of our cat! Its alive, healthy, brown fur with two big ears and a tail – the visitor, not the cat. He is big, black & white and disappeared as his “job is done”. Queue the next 45 mins of the two of us, in our PJ’s trying to catch said uninvited visitor. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, he is now MIA and we have a makeshift trap waiting for him, thanks to Melanie on Snowpiercer, hubby put together this fun item that is now adorning our lounge…

We decided there was no point going back to bed, so everyone is up “early” today. Well, before 10am is early for us on a holiday!
Breakfast had, kids and husband off to play on various devices, I decide to catch up on a quiet art day.
Item 1 – A master-board. I caught part of a Facebook Live from Jolene last night, so today I finish it off this morning. Who knew several layers of watered down acrylic could give so much fun! I have 1 finished board, and 3 more than need doodling

Item 2 – Photograph the crochet blanket I’m making. Its the “calendar blanket” tutorial from Jayda in Stitches This is such a great way to learn to crochet (the american named stitches) and takes me just an evening in front of the TV usually. Last night’s TV accompaniment was Top Gear and Castle.

Item 3 – Continue making my two “Donna” Fabric journals. I really enjoyed making the last one from Willa’s course. This time I’m going for it alone, trying to remember all the “steps” and actually also trying to remember it’s OK not to do the same, as these are mine and they are therefore unique to me! I have two on the go and it feels like a little production line. Not really sure what I will do with them at the end, I might keep for myself or maybe launch a selling page somewhere. There is a market for them, but the question is are mine good enough to sell…? Hmmm
Two “Donna” journals An idea of the pages
Item 4 – Do my April 5th doodle page for my challenge. Today its the Mindful Giraffe notebook and Pitt Pens. The paper doesn’t really like the Pitt pens, they are pitting as I layer the colours which is disappointing. The spread today however is very much showing the weather. We’ve had snow on and off all day, little fluffy flakes that have done nothing, interspersed with rain clouds, sunshine and its pretty chilly and windy. So different from yesterday!

Item 5 – write this blog for day 5 of Effy’s blog along
Item 6 – Post the blog and read at least 3 other blogs and comment.
Item 7 – Just realised I meant to make slow cook sausage casserole dinner today…. oops, sausage and chips it will be then!
Item 8 – Teach the youngest how to use the blog, can’t wait to see what he comes up with for his first blog page!

All opinions expressed here are my own.
I paid for any products discussed.
I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.
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How wonderful – an art and snow day! Hopefully the snow will melt soon. I love your master board – those are definitely my colors! Th crochet blanket is very colorful. And I love the fabric journals and need to make one too. Sounds like you had a great day!
I’m really enjoying your posts ❤️
Ah thank you❤️
I love your masterboard! I watched most of her live, but haven’t had a go at my own yet.
And I think your journals are definitely good enough to sell – go for it!
Ah thank you! I do enjoy watching Jolene, I made the apothecary from January, it was so good, I am going to try the April one as using my stash as I forgot to order a pack. And thank you for the confidence boost I do need it 🙂
Wow! I hope you find the mouse ?
It sounds like a busy day, especially for a bank holiday!
I’ve never made a master board but I keep seeing them, I’m going to have to try it.
Your journals are beautiful! Great blog entry!
ha ha me too, the little monkey has been nowhere to be seen all day! Thank you x