This is just a quick hello, to share some good news with you all.
In early July I saw an advertisement for a local art college, Art Academy East in Norwich.
I checked out the details, found all the possible options for courses and spent some time talking it through with Hubby. A decision was made which one would be best suited for me and so I applied for the University of the Arts London Level 2 Diploma – Art & Design course.
They offered me a taster day which I attended a couple of weeks ago. I had such a great time! We painted a rocky sea shore scene, A3 in size and using acrylic paint, with a palette knife for the majority of the painting so it added texture. That was new to me.

After the taster day I just knew I wanted to be a part of the college. The setup is great, it’s reasonably close to home, in a large well ventilated room and they take COVID precautions really seriously. Yes I’m double jabbed, yes we have come out of lockdown and restrictions are lifted but I’m still super worried about it, and they didn’t scrimp on their precautions and I felt safe.
And yesterday I was finally told that I had received a placement! I needed to confirm within 24 hours otherwise I would lose my slot as they are over subscribed. So I have confirmed! I have been accepted! I am going to college one day a week starting September! It follows an academic year, so Fridays for the next school year I too will be a student. @owlsowner is super excited that he is going to be able to nag me for a change to make sure I’ve been doing my homework!
I couldn’t have applied if it hadn’t been for the love and support of my amazing husband all the way in my journey. He completely has my back, he is my biggest advocate and supporter. The children are both excited for me, and are always telling me how good I am. Equally if hubby hadn’t encouraged me to find a face to face class then I wouldn’t have found Sarah at StART_Studio and the confidence that gave me to do more than “just” post online, but actually turn up to a class.
So bring on September and the start of a new journey!
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