
June Art Challenge

So this month I have once again set myself up to do some more art challenges, honestly what am I like, it’s not as if I don’t have enough to do but I just have to add myself to some more too!

WorkshopWeek2021 – Art classes hosted by Becca of TheHappyEverCrafter, a free week of 35 tutors showing various arts for lettering, calligraphy, digital art and watercolours.  Although it is free, it was possible to buy the “Vault” for an early bird price and have lifetime access to the videos (which I did!), and it’s available still at a slightly higher price.  It’s a brilliant set of videos, almost all tutors are new to me, and I am learning so much.

#lewdtubelettering by @justwriteawayrenee and @reneeissancecolours  is an Instagram lettering challenge to write London Tube names in your own style, and the tube names are ones that could be taken to have a “naughty” connotation.  It’s fun and doesnt take me too long

ICAD2021 and of course I decided at the last minute to join ICAD for the first time. It was originally created by @DaisyYellow and has been running 11years.  She seems to be running this as a whole business and you can really get massively involved, or you can just join by using the prompts daily and post using #dyicad2021.  I am using the 3 prompts issued by Mixed Media artist Nina Fickett.

#FodderChallenge is a 9 days free course hosted by Willa Wanders on her teachable platform, where 9 tutors are showing us how to use our stash to make wonderful fodder to use and embellish our projects. 
And of course, as well as this is all the other stuff I take part in.  Art classes from Wanderlust, LifeBook, Karen Campbell. And subscription boxes from KiaCreates, Artful, LollipopBoxClub, ScrawlrBox.  As well as making birthdy and cards for family & friends. Happy mails for various peer groups from WAY. And of course keeping the family alive and well and on top of their school and work commitments.

Well thats a “quick” roundup of what I am / have been up to this month so far. I hope you find it interesting. I feel I have been a Big Girl and not signed up for the free Kaleidoscope taster week from Willowing, I really want to do it as its an amazing intro into a new course, but I know I just don’t have the capacity for another freebie, and I won’t buy the course as I have so much outstanding already, so big girl pants went on and I said No…. it didn’t feel good but I did it anyway!

Until next time … Arty hugs to you all ???️


All opinions expressed here are my own.
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I received no payment and I am not affiliated in any way with any brand mentioned herein.

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  1. OMG lewd tube, I’m so sorry I missed that one, that had me in stitches lol. Love your ICADs, glad you are joining in this year, it’s no pressure and do what you feel like really. No surprise but I also have so much outstanding but I also joined the taster week and the Virtual Art Summit haha. I won’t be doing the Kaleidoscope full course though, I did it last year and I don’t want to do it again. Elle xx

    1. Donna says:

      Thanks Elle, I am enjoying the LewdTube lettering, its kinda fun and so easy. ICADS I am really enjoying being my own kind of creating, even if its via a prompt. I will do an update post soon ( just realised I havent blogged in a while!)

    2. Donna says:

      Oh and I may have bought Art Summit too, I did the taster last year and really enjoyed it, and if you bought it this year you get last years taster as part of the pack. I may have to design a personal challenge for July -the “Buy no classes / sign up for no classes / start doing some of the classes you already own ” challenge 🙂

      1. lol, well ICAD goes till the end of July so there is that. I was curious to see what was in last year’s VAS but I couldn’t see it anywhere obvious, might have another look. The best bit so far has been the interviews, really enjoying them Elle xx

  2. Oooh Love the writing!! I want to learn some fancy script at some point.
    I have yet to start my ICADs. I keep meaning to, just keep getting side tracked lol

  3. Susan Renshaw says:

    What a lot to look at! Loved to see the makes for the various challenges – especially ICAD which I am having a go at…

    1. Donna says:

      Thank you, I am enjoying ICAD it’s really getting me thinking outside of my comfort zone.

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