Well firstly I have to say sorry for being away so long. It has been super easy to get out of the habit of blogging daily, or even weekly since stopping the April blog along and I have no real excuses. Being busy isn’t really a good excuse, especially when being busy is related to sitting at my art desk arting most of the time.
So I thought what better way to round up June than to list some of the stuff I have been doing. I will pop as much artwork as I can over in the gallery, but the best place is to look on my Instagram page.
#LewdTubeLettering continued and I managed to participate every day – not that tricky when it was one word every two days.
I made a picture for my mother in law’s birthday. I took a photo of her dog and drew inspiration from a class I took last year by Jennifer Steck.

ICAD : I have managed to do a daily card for ICAD and I am using one card to merge two prompts each time. I have uploaded all days so far into the Gallery
WorkshopWeek2021 : I purchased the vault of Workshopweek run by Becca, and participated in a number of the live events, as well as went through some of the classes. I have these permanently so I shall be able to go back and really get my lettering fix when I want it, and have been introduced to many new artists in the lettering community.
#FodderChallenge : A 9 day free event run by Willa Wanders. I watched all the videos and took some of the classes. I haven’t purchased this so I will need to make sure I get whatever I want from it in good time.
Digital Art : I am trying my hand at digital art every so often, but like everything else, it’s a learning curve and I need time to practice and learn the software. This picture, and the tutorial is done using Autodesk Sketchbook Mobile (Free version for Android).

In Person Art Classes : I have started again. One day a week for 3 hours I go to a class room and I am learning portraiture techniques. I am LOVING being able to go out of the house and actually be in other people’s company. It’s a 6 week course and we are 3 weeks in already.
Etsy : I launched my Etsy Store. I haven’t had a sale yet, but I also have not heavily promoted it. It’s out there for when I can get my act together
PenguinFireDragon had her birthday last week, and I decided it would be a fun idea to make her a journal. It was heavily themed in her current obsession. Percy Jackson. And its total making time I would put at around 10 hours. From sourcing the materials, making to cover, putting it all together digitally, printing the pages, sorting out the signatures and ultimately fixing it all together. However this time doesn’t include the 3 or so hours it took my hubby to put the holes in the spine and the number of differing eyelet makers and fixings I had to purchase. Definitely a learning curve on things not to do again. But I think she liked it so overall a well worth it present, totally handmade, unique and personal for her.
I recorded a time-lapse video to show you. I also made her birthday card and to continue the Percy Jackson theme she had a blue sponge cake with blue fondant icing and 15 candles on top. Apparently the great PJ eats only blue things… !
OwslOwner Bedroom Makeover : This week has seen the start of the bedroom overhaul. Hubby has been busy making furniture, and this week we turfed the boy out of his room and I have started the decorating, three days in and I’ve fully emulsion the ceiling and walls, and today I have started the gloss work.
Gardening : It’s been hot here, but now it’s cooled off and we are getting a lot of rain, which means only one thing – everything is growing. So a reasonable amount of gardening is taking place. Including the growing of potatoes, tomatoes and runner beans 🙂 Our wildflower garden is proving difficult to grow, clearly the pigeons got the seeds, although the grass seeds germinated and are nice and tall!
Wow – when I write it out like this I realise how much I have been doing – no wonder I am exhausted!
Onwards to July.. I have a lot planned, oops no I wont say any more now, I’d hate to bore you and also it means you might come back another day to read more 🙂
Until next time, happy arting 🙂
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You’ve been busy!! June was busy for me too. I’m glad that July is proving to be a bit quieter albeit too terribly hot for my liking. But the garden likes it, so there’s that.
We’ve had a great garden summer here! I’m getting ready to put in fall crops. I love watching things grow.
Great work on your digital art!
You have been busy! Love the PJ journal, I’m a huge fan of the books, and his blue chocolate chip cookies lol. Lots of rain and the wrong things growing here too 🙁
Wow – what a lot of things you have been doing! Well done! Particularly liked the dog and enjoyed the flip through…