Well, this is it, after 3 years, today will be the very last day of attending Art Academy East Art College for a dedicated learning experience in Art and Design.

I have enjoyed my time here, learnt so much and made some great friends. There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, laughter and tears and the stress I have put myself under to complete projects, has been unreal! But would I change any of it – No – not a bit. To have been in the company of a group of adults for 3 years, all there for the same reason, to learn has been fantastic. I can’t put a price on the learning experience in the same room as other like-minded people.
My 3 years may be ending today in class, but we will be gathering again to exhibit our final projects in July, There will be free-standing painted panels, ceramics, and hanging canvases. Many of the items will be on sale.
The Exhibition will be at The Forum Norwich on 5th, 6th & 7th July 2024.

After this, there are no plans to take another in-person paid course, at this time, but never say never! I do however have many many many paid online courses that have sat around gathering internet dust that I might be able to dedicate some time to. I would like to get back to making art for pleasure rather than for coursework, which will allow me to continue my art growth journey to becoming a regularly selling artist.
“The last day at college sparks the beginning of my artistic adventures”
Donna Holmes 2024
So please do mark your diaries and come along to the Forum, on 5, 6, & 7th July to see our final project works, we will all be there too ready to chat with visitors to the show.
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