So what did I do in May 2021? I made some art almost every day. Sometimes it was just the lettering challenge and sometimes it was journal making, but I did something most days, the times I am not arting I really notice it so that and my HRT are fabulous for my mental health!
Lettering Challenge
I took part in the Lettering Challenge by PenPusher.
The pictures for this are in my gallery and over on Instagram. I was super lucky enough to also be picked at random as the winner of the challenge. This is my winning picture

Drawing with OwlsOwner
I caught up on some Karen Campbell classes and OwlsOwner asked to do some of the classes too so we took time together to watch the videos and do some learning and I am super pleased with his progress, his attitude to art has changed so much in this last year, he is enjoying it again and is enthusiastic about it.

Journal Making and YouTube
I’ve been making journals this month, for no reason other than I can, following these makes I learnt how to make flip-through videos and post them on to my YouTube channel. This has got me thinking about whether I want to create a selling page to sell my journals. At the moment they are in a box “waiting” for something to be done with them.
I took PenguinFireDragon into the city to meet her mates, so I had some time by myself. I did a little shopping and finished with a coffee and Vegan Croissant at Caffe Nero. It was both bliss and weird at the same time, being out of the house, in the city and around other people – I was home by 11am and had definitely had enough of being around people.
I got my 2nd COVID vaccine, felt absolutely fine with no symptoms other than a little tiredness on the day and a sore arm for a few days after.

Crystal Healing
My Crystal Healing sessions are now back at the healing hut, it is wonderful to be back there, I loved being able to continue right through the pandemic remotely but being in the hut is so much better. We have started the process of investigating a deep rooted issue, we initially talked about doing this before COVID but agreed not to start until we could be in the safety of the hut, and we were right to do it. I’ve had two sessions in May. It’s bringing through stuff that is very firmly buried and for good reason, though it’s right to find and treat the issues as I firmly believe it will help me through the transition of menopause too.
We have a south facing garden and we get the sun in it all day. Last year we decided to add decking to the back of the house. It’s fabulous but we soon realised it’s a sun trap, so I spent last Saturday buying fabric and making some shades for the roof. I bought an eyelet maker, hemmed the fabric all around and Hubby put hooks in the roofline. It cost us around £25 and a day’s effort but we now can sit out on the deck all day and not get sunburn! Owlsowner is doing his revision and I am typing this – it’s 11am and we are in the warm shade – bliss 🙂 Hubby has just emerged from the cold office to sit out here with us. He is WFH still and he is able to use a laptop out here. Yesterday he even held a video call on the deck 🙂
MiniClub Run
Finally at the end of the month the weather turned warm and we enjoyed some sunshine. We joined the Mini Club “breakout” mini run to Cromer and enjoyed some time on Bank Holiday Monday at the coast before heading home and playing a new version of Monopoly with the family in the back garden.
Breakout Mini Club Run 31 May 2021 Breakout mini club run 31st May 21
What did you think of this type of roundup? Does it work for you as a reader. I guess the bigger question is does it work for me as an author, and I’m not sure I have that answer yet – (Sorry I just had to answer a science question about magnetism – I promise I didn’t say “if you read your revision paper you will get your answers” 🙂 )
I started this page thinking I had nothing to write – how wrong was I…! If you have gotten this far, I thank you. See you again soon
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So many good things happened during May for you!
Congrats on now being fully vaccinated and on making something creative every day.
Wow, you’ve been busy! Congratulations on winning the challenge! Well deserved! I loved this round up, it does indeed “work” ! I’m looking forward to seeing what you do this month!
Congrats on your lettering win! Did you get a prize of some lovely stationery? Also well done on making the shade for your decking, we have a sun porch with a plastic roof and at the moment it says it’s 44C in there haha, it’s about half that outside. Cats are flaked out in it. Love the drawings from you and Owlsowner, they look super. As for the type of post, I guess like most things it depends on why you’re doing it, if you are doing it for you, to keep track, or if you are writing content for other people, or both. I like a round up post, I do one at the end of every month, but it’s really for me to keep track of some stuff, and I don’t know if they are interesting to anyone else as they are basically lists, but yours is more entertaining. Elle xx