
Year 9 Art Homework

I receive details of my children’s assigned homework via an app, they hate it, but I love it because I get to check they have done their work. Anyway, our son’s new art homework arrived, it goes without saying this is the homework I am most interested in. I am not going to lie, when …

Butterfly Acrylic painting

Is Pinterest a good way to promote my art?

I’ve recently taken a couple of free Facebook challenges that are focused on how to supercharge my Pinterest account. They have been enlightening, interesting and intense! I have been learning to market myself on the platform, and as part of that, I have been spending a lot of time there, and not here or on …

close up of paints in art studio

It’s official – I’m a Selling Artist !!

Yes, it’s true, the art exhibition I am taking part in at West Acre Gallery has sold one of my pieces of work. I couldn’t be happier! This artist’s malarky is getting real. I am officially able to say : I am an Artist! DONNA HOLMES, 2022 Yes, there it is, the official Red Dot …

Donna's Creative Space

Donna Holmes, Mixed Media Artist, Norfolk, UK

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