Today has been another “meh” day, I just in one of those “cant be bothered” slumps, I think its probably the weather causing it – typical British person has to talk about / complain about the weather right 🙂 But Its so grey and gloomy here and its only September!
Nothing much to say for myself yet today (I say that now lets see how it goes), We are still in school summer holiday time, and hubby is off work too, but due to the weather we are not doing much. So we had a late morning, I had forgotten to buy cereals, so it was a treat breakfast of crumpets and pancakes. Kids didn’t mind that – apparently they are much better than cereals anyway and they would take them any day 🙂 I guess the loaded sugar in the morning is always a good start when you are 12 & 15 right 🙂
Hubby and I went out for our daily walk, we managed 4 miles today in just over 1 hour, pretty much normal timing for us. We bumped into our wedding photographer, which was nice to actually speak to someone different.
Art today .. hmm haven’t done much, but I have joined #sewtember with Mixed Media & Beyond I do have to ask myself WHY I put myself under this sort of pressure. I don’t sew by hand, so why do a 30 day challenge… I am not sure what the final outcome will be, but each day we receive a daily prompt and get to make our own piece of mixed media art, using a piece of 10cm x 5cm natural fabric. I have assumed that will be my base and anything I do will be put onto that. So I have actually done both days today. What do you think? I had to teach myself how to chain stitch, satin stitch and french knot to do these! they probably took me around 3 hours to plan, colour, sew and photograph! I think i need to choose something a bit quicker for tomorrow.
sewtember day 1 “Ikigai” sewtember day 2 “Hyppytyynytyydytys”
Hubby cooked a lovely evening meal, I’m writing this post listening to the evening Simon Mayo drive time show on Greatest Hits Radio, he does play some awesome music.
I’ve been making some decisions on the number of paid subscriptions I have and to that end I’ve cancelled a few, mainly because although I like them I’m not making the best of them, and given my art course it will only get worse, so decisions had to be made and well it will save the purse a little right?
Until tomorrow ……

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Four miles!! That is awesome!! Yum on pancakes but cereal is good too. I love laid back days and your blog.
we often walk around that distance, we have a monthly walking challenge to achieve 50 miles per month to earn a medal 🙂 I cant eat the waffles but the crumpets are yummy. Aww thank you for loving my blog, that makes me feel good xx
I am impressed with the sew challenge. I would like to join in but…
ha ha yes i know what you mean!
Oh you did a great job on both of them…..I commit to these 30 day/100 day things to but then seem to get overwhelmed with it all….good luck on the 30 days.
thank you, i am a massive over committer and always getting myself stressed
It seems we are doing similar things with trying to figure out what things we can actually DO! Cut back to what is manageable. I like it. I also like your challenge to sew! I tried and I just don’t seem to have the patience. Maybe during winter. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for commenting Gina, Im always re-evaluating but i struggle to let go of things. As hubby says “i dont owe anyone my business” but i do feel bad if i stop paying because my pennies do help them.
Yes. I agree. But no one advocates for taking care of others before yourself. It sounds like you do everything you can when you can. That’s all anyone can. Much love for you and how much you care about others.
Lovely to reconnect, Donna! I love your sewing. Especially day 2 which looks super intensive. I’m impressed how much you taught yourself in such a short time. I love these everyday challenges although sometimes they can be hard to fulfill but they get me moving and in the end I’m very pleased that I persevered and feel like I accomplished something. I hope you feel the same way with the sewing.
thank you, I agree it takes some commitment to doing it, but we do learn from our challenges, i will enjoy catching up with you this month too x