Showing 8 result(s)

A Sense of Place

I have finished another year of Art College with Art Academy East. Honestly, it is such a fantastic feeling, it’s been a long and significant year of learning, culminating in a final project to create a body of work that is shown to our family and friends as an exhibition. We were asked to investigate …

West Acre Gallery Exhibition 7-18th September 2022

Hello, Well I am delighted to say that I have once again been selected to exhibit at West Acre Gallery. The exhibition is 7th – 18th September 2022, in West Acre, Norfolk UK and I am one of 23 artists showing our Art which is available to view and purchase. There will also be a …


I’m Exhibiting at West Acre Art Gallery!

Well I can hardly believe I am going to say this, but I have just returned from dropping off 6 items of art that are going to be exhibited for sale this weekend…. Arghhh does this mean I’m getting all fancy and can start calling myself an artist? I saw an advert for a SplashMob …